Calgary Roughnecks Ticket Giveaway!

Westmount School is giving away 4 packages of 4 tickets to a Calgary Roughnecks game (03/15,
03/22 or 04/19)! The tickets have been donated by the Roughnecks in support of our Multisport
Program. All you need to do is show what makes Westmount School #wonderfulwestmount for
your chance to win!
Send a picture to us showing why you think Westmount School is wonderful! Provide a shortdescription or story explaining why Westmount School has been wonderful in your families life (written submissions may be subject to change). These pictures will be posted to the school’s social media accounts. You can be as creative, funny or as informative as you can need to be to showcase your Westmount spirit in your photo and description. This contest is only open to
families with students currently enrolled in Westmount School.
Email your submissions to Adam Baxter ( with the subject heading
“Roughnecks” by 3:00 p.m. on March 12. Winners will be randomly chosen, and ticket vouchers will be available for pickup at Westmount School on March 13. We can’t wait to see your Westmount
School spirit!