
Westmount Kindergarten Program

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The kindergarten program at Westmount School in Strathmore, AB supports collaborative, passionate learners. We take pride in building a #collaborative thinking culture for our #passionatelearners. We support an #inclusive #community focused kindergarten program that will meet the needs of your child. Join us as we open the doors to our program and welcome you inside. See you soon!

We offer both part-time (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and full-time (Daily) kindergarten programs. Fees for the full-time kindergarten program are $175.00/month.

Are you looking to learn a little bit more about Westmount School? Check us out on our social media accounts:

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Instagram: @westmountelementaryschool

Life at Westmount School Kindergarten!

Welcome to Westmount School's Kindergarten Program. We are very happy to share with you what a day in the life of a kindergarten student looks like in our school. Say hello to Mary as she walks you through all of the fun and the learning that takes place within Westmount School for our kindergarten students! 

Learning in Westmount School's Kindergarten

Westmount School's kindergarten program uses best teaching practices to support learning for your child. Our kindergarten teaching team takes a collaborative approach to designing engaging learning experiences for our kindergarten students. Westmount School kindergarten students are immersed in a learning environment that focuses on learning through play, hands-on activities, interactive literacy and numeracy learning centres, dramatic play centres and more.  Our music and PE specialists also deliver engaging learning opportunities especially tailored to the developmental needs of the students. 

Kindergarten Corner

Watch the videos below for a glimpse into what learning looks like in Kindergarten at Westmount School. Want to learn more about our school community? Click the link below to view our full video gallery!

Video Gallery